Hands-On Programs for Groups
In addition to visiting selected buildings, it is of paramount importance to join in certain activities. The participants can take an active part themselves and try different skills, such as making butter.
Duration: 2 hours
Fee: 60.00 € plus admission
Participants: not more than 20 persons
Written enrolment, at least one week before the desired date, is requested.
The stored form is to be printed out, filled in and sent to us by mail or by fax.
Registration form (pdf file)
Let there be Light!
Even 100 years ago, chips of pinewood, tallow candles and kerosene lamps were used for illumination. Here you can make practical experience in using different light sources and prepare a candle all by yourself at the end.
Enjoy your Meal!
The focus is on nutrition. The question will be about stockpiling of animal products: How were eggs, milk and meat stored and preserved without refrigerators in former times? We will make our own butter by means of a butter churn and then enjoy it together with fresh bread.
Wheat and Chaff
Here the focus will be on grain as an elementary foodstuff. On a tour around the museum – from the fields over the mills to the house for baking bread – growing and processing of grain will be illustrated and individual steps of operation will be put to the test.
Flax and Weaving
How can linen be produced from a plant? We will process flax until flax fibers ready for spinning are produced. After spinning with the hand spindle, a weaver’s workshop will be visited.