
Friends of the Open Air Museum

The registered society "Freundeskreis Freilichtmuseum Südbayern e. V.", is an association of more than 3,700 members who have got together on the grounds of their common interest in the Glentleiten Open Air Museum. Their aim is to provide the museum with effective support.

For many years, the society has given financial and moral support, has enabled research work, publications and educational programs and events, the acquisition of selected objects of collection as well as their documentation and conservation. Moreover, it provides young scientists with financial assistance at the beginning of their professional career by means of a two-year voluntary traineeship at the museum.

By joining the Friends of the Museum you will not only support the work of the open air museum: As a member you will have free access to the museum all year long. You will receive personal invitations to special events and openings of exhibitions. In addition, you will be provided with information about the work of the museum regularly.

This also includes free-of-charge subscription of the annual publication "Jahrbuch für die oberbayerischen Freilichtmuseen Glentleiten und Amerang" [Almanac of the Upper Bavarian Open Air museums Glentleiten and Amerang]. During excursions with the Friends of the Museum, the members will visit worthwhile destinations dealing with the topic of "open air museums".

Here you can download the Flyer "Freunde gesucht" (in German) including further information about the society as a pdf file. You will learn more about the activities of support undertaken during the last few years in the Flyer "Einblick Fördertätigkeit" (in German).