
Our buildings

The lack of space was a constant at the small, one-storey property «Beim Hirten» (15). As it was not possible to extend the main building, farm owner Georg Dischner Sr. built a barn in 1914 which had to be extended again a few years later (1922). It was used to store hay and straw.
The lack of space was a constant at the small, one-storey property «Beim Hirten» (15). As it was not possible to extend the main building, farm owner Georg Dischner Sr. built a barn in 1914 which had to be extended again a few years later (1922). It was used to store hay and straw.

15a Barn from Kerschlach
House name "Beim Hirten"

District: Weilheim-Schongau
Municipality: Pähl
Year of Construction: 1912
Type of Building: barn

Constructed: 1912, extended 1922 
Presentation time: 20th century 

The lack of space was a constant at the small, one-storey property “Beim Hirten” (15). As it was not possible to extend the main building, farm owner Georg Dischner Sr. built a barn in 1914 which had to be extended again a few years later (1922). It was used to store hay and straw.