
Our buildings

7 Buildings found

The house name Zehentmaier is a family name and was transferred to the farmstead by a previous farmer. The history of the building is directly linked to a major European event. During the Thirty Years' War, Swedish soldiers set multiple buildings on fire in Sauerlach, including the building which previously stood on the site of the farm.
The house name Zehentmaier is a family name and was transferred to the farmstead by a previous farmer. The history of the building is directly linked to a major European event. During the Thirty Years' War, Swedish soldiers set multiple buildings on fire in Sauerlach, including the building which previously stood on the site of the farm.

11 Farmhouse from Sauerlach
House name "Zehentmaier"

District: München
Municipality: Sauerlach
Year of Construction: 1637/38
Type of Building: farm

By the early 20th century, the Müller farm's home comforts included
a smokeless kitchen (cf. no. 11 Zehentmaier) in which a tiled stove with its own heatable kettle replaced the open hearth. There was also running water, which started to make life easier from around 1915. Inhabitants also had access to electricity some time after that.
By the early 20th century, the Müller farm's home comforts included a smokeless kitchen (cf. no. 11 Zehentmaier) in which a tiled stove with its own heatable kettle replaced the open hearth. There was also running water, which started to make life easier from around 1915. Inhabitants also had access to electricity some time after that.

12 Farm from Hofolding

House name "Müller"

District: München
Municipality: Brunnthal
Type of Building: farm

It was quite common for people to bake their own bread in rural areas until about 1950, so farms often included baking houses among their outbuildings.
It was quite common for people to bake their own bread in rural areas until about 1950, so farms often included baking houses among their outbuildings.

18b Baking house from Arget

District: München
Municipality: Sauerlach
Year of Construction: vor 1860
Type of Building: baking house

Wayside crosses were erected as a mark of faith; they exhort godliness and also give assurance to wayfarers on their journeys. The cross with a neo-Gothic figure of Christ is from the Munich district of Berg am Laim. It was donated to the Open Air Museum and, in accordance with the tradition, erected along a path.
Wayside crosses were erected as a mark of faith; they exhort godliness and also give assurance to wayfarers on their journeys. The cross with a neo-Gothic figure of Christ is from the Munich district of Berg am Laim. It was donated to the Open Air Museum and, in accordance with the tradition, erected along a path.

S2 Wayside cross from Berg am Laim

District: München
Municipality: München
Type of Building: wayside cross